The combination of Breast Augmentation with Mastopexy is for those women who have small breasts that have sagged due to aging, pregnancy, breast feeding, weight-loss or any other reason. Breast augmentation alone cannot be helpful in such cases as the loosened skin needs to be removed before enhancing the size of the breasts. You can be a good candidate for this surgery if you have one or combination of following conditions:
This is a the most tricky question and asked more frequently by the patients. It doesn’t affect your chances of having breast cancer. The chances remains the same as women without implants.
There is no specific age of breast implants. Many women’s in their 40’s and 50’s have undergone breast augmentation surgery.
After swelling has subsided, which may take months to fully resolve, expect your breasts to be higher, perkier, and larger than they were before surgery. There will be scarring with the incisions red and/or pink immediately following surgery. These will heal and fade over time, but they will never fully disappear.
Pregnancy will change your breasts. There's no getting around that. As such, a revision surgery may be needed. That said, it's up to you. "You can either have breast lifting at an early age and enjoy the results for an unknown period of time or wait until you after you have completed your family."
There's no way to know for sure what changes surgery may have on your breasts, but you should still be able to breastfeed after a breast lift. However, be sure to discuss all possible outcomes with your doctor. He or she may recommend waiting for surgery until after your family is complete.
Typically after childbirth, the proper breast lift surgery should be performed after three months from the day when you stopped breastfeeding your baby completely. In other cases, a breast lift can also correct the droopiness of the breasts after a major weight loss and it should be performed when you achieve a stable weight.
You may resume lower body exercise after one week. You are not allowed to do upper body work for three weeks, but after three weeks you may resume exercise with no restrictions.
You can expect to see your final result at about three months post-surgery although changes will continue for up to one year.
There are many over-the-counter creams and oils that are available for scar treatment with variable results. Ultimately, the most important factors that aid in the best healing of your scars are to avoid UV exposure to the scar, and to massage and moisturize the scar.
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