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Breast Lift with Augmentation

The breasts undergo changes in response to factors such as genetics, aging, pregnancy and breast feeding, weight gain or loss, and hormonal fluctuations. All of these factors can cause the breast size and shape to change. These changes can be dissatisfying and can make women feel as if they are losing some of their femininity and youthful vitality. Breast augmentation alone cannot restore the shape of the breasts. For those women who would like to increase the size of their breasts as well as restore a firm, more upright position, a breast augmentation in combination with a breast lift can improve body contours and revitalize their appearance.

Candidate for Breast Lift with Enhancement

The combination of Breast Augmentation with Mastopexy is for those women who have small breasts that have sagged due to aging, pregnancy, breast feeding, weight-loss or any other reason. Breast augmentation alone cannot be helpful in such cases as the loosened skin needs to be removed before enhancing the size of the breasts. You can be a good candidate for this surgery if you have one or combination of following conditions:

  • You are 35+ of age.
  • Want projection & more distinction in your figure.
  • Have Small & sagging breasts.

Complications & Risk

  • Rupture- Breast implants are not a lifetime device. Breast implants rupture when the shell develops a tear or hole. Ruptures can occur at any time after implantation, but they are more likely to occur the longer the implant is implanted. Severe capsular hardening can cause an implant to rupture.
  • Capsular hardening- Hardening around the implant is due to shrinkage of the capsule that forms as the body's natural response to foreign material. One breast may appear firmer and may look different to the other breast.
  • Haematoma- A collection of blood in the breast pocket, which is either naturally absorbed into the body or sometimes requires further surgical drainage. Symptoms include swelling, pain, bruising, hot to touch, or itchy breast.
  • Infection- Infections are unpredictable and normally occur in the first 3 weeks after surgery and treated immediately with antibiotics.
  • Keloid Scarring- Where your scars begin to look raised and lumpy and even darker in color. If this begins to happen please inform Dr Gupta and he can look at treating it with steroid injections. Wearing the supplied silicon gel strips after surgery 24/7 will aid in preventing this from happening.
  • Numb Nipples- This is common and normally resolves itself after a short period of time. Sometimes it can take up to 6-12 months to regain full feeling in your nipples.
  • Asymmetry- Though we makes every attempt to create perfect symmetry sometimes this is not always possible and you must expect that some minor asymmetry might be visible after 12 months. Perfectly similar breasts is not possible naturally, therefore a real expectation is needed.

Breast lift with augmentation FAQ’s

Q-Will breast augmentation increase my chance of breast cancer?

This is a the most tricky question and asked more frequently by the patients. It doesn’t affect your chances of having breast cancer. The chances remains the same as women without implants.

Q - What is the age I should get breast augmentation done?

There is no specific age of breast implants. Many women’s in their 40’s and 50’s have undergone breast augmentation surgery.

What results can I expect from a breast lift with implants?

After swelling has subsided, which may take months to fully resolve, expect your breasts to be higher, perkier, and larger than they were before surgery. There will be scarring with the incisions red and/or pink immediately following surgery. These will heal and fade over time, but they will never fully disappear.

What if I get pregnant after my Breast Lift with Implant?

Pregnancy will change your breasts. There's no getting around that. As such, a revision surgery may be needed. That said, it's up to you. "You can either have breast lifting at an early age and enjoy the results for an unknown period of time or wait until you after you have completed your family."

Q. Can I breast feed after a Breast Lift with Implant?

There's no way to know for sure what changes surgery may have on your breasts, but you should still be able to breastfeed after a breast lift. However, be sure to discuss all possible outcomes with your doctor. He or she may recommend waiting for surgery until after your family is complete.

Q. When is the right time to consider Breast Lift with Enhancement?

Typically after childbirth, the proper breast lift surgery should be performed after three months from the day when you stopped breastfeeding your baby completely. In other cases, a breast lift can also correct the droopiness of the breasts after a major weight loss and it should be performed when you achieve a stable weight.

Q. When can I resume exercise?

You may resume lower body exercise after one week. You are not allowed to do upper body work for three weeks, but after three weeks you may resume exercise with no restrictions.

Q. When can I expect to see my final result?

You can expect to see your final result at about three months post-surgery although changes will continue for up to one year.

Q. What can I do to improve scars from my breast augmentation with lift?

There are many over-the-counter creams and oils that are available for scar treatment with variable results. Ultimately, the most important factors that aid in the best healing of your scars are to avoid UV exposure to the scar, and to massage and moisturize the scar.

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