•   +91 9721476547, +91 9795224033
  • Pioneer of Hair Transplant with world's latest & Best Technique FUT, in up
  • Excellent Quality Hair Transplantation by highly Skilled & Experienced Plastic Surgeon
  • Pioneer of Hair Transplant with scar less technique FUE, in up
  • World class surgery at affordable cost with life changing results
  • Pioneer of body hair to scalp transplant in up
  • Many thousand patients with successful Hair Transplant results
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+91 9721476547, +91 8400746979

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Dr. Shuchi Gupta

Our renowned gynaecologists and obstretician at Revive Clinic is alumni of King George's Medical College (KGMC) Lucknow, and now working as Senior Consultant Gynecologist & Obstetrician at Fatima Hospital, Lucknow. Our gynaecologists at Revive Clinic is serving patients with full dedication and has build up a loyal clientele over the past many years.

Our surgeon has treated national as well international patients, celebrities, aspiring models and also high profile individuals. Our surgeona at Revive Clinic is one of the best gynecology doctor in Lucknow. The efficiency, dedication, precision and compassion offered at the clinic ensures the patient's well-being, comfort and needs which are kept at top priority.

Our gynaecologists clinic in Lucknow treats the various ailments of the patients by giving them high-quality medical treatments and surgical procedures. Among the numerous services offered here, the Revive Clinic provides treatments for Uterine Fibroids or Myomas, Ovarian Cysts, Endometriosis, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary Problems, Vaginal Discharge, Infertility, Menopause, Gynecological Cancers, Abnormal Pap Smears - Pre-Invasive Cervical/ Vaginal Disease and Vulva Conditions. Furthermore, the patients also visit the clinic for Contraception Advice, HPV Tests, LBC Tests and Biopsy Tests etc.

Our plastic and cosmetic surgeon is highly trained, skilled and Best Obstetric and Laparoscopic Gynecological surgeon of Lucknow.

The clinic is equipped with latest types of equipment and boasts highly advanced surgical instruments that help in undergoing meticulous surgeries or procedures.

Why Choose Revive Clinic?

What makes us unique?

Our Efficiency        |        Our Competency        |        Our Reliability        |        Our Dedication        |        Our Expertise in the respective fields.

Best Doctors

We have a team of doctors who are best in their respective fields of specialization for best results and maximum patient safety.



Ultra-modern Centre

Hair Transplant Center

Obstetrical & Gynecology Treatment

Best Results

Professional Staff

Why us

State of Art CenterLatest Equipment & Techniques

  • We use latest Equipments & Techniques to deliver top class Treatments
  • Our center have relaxing environment with modern facilities and look

Qualified Doctor & StaffBoard Certified and Specialized Team

  • Dr. M. M. Gupta is; experienced, highly qualified and skilled cosmetic surgeon; providing surgical services of International Standard.
  • Our team consists of trained and caring staffs, available 24x7 for patient's care.

World Class ResultsMaximum Patient Satisfaction

  • Combination of State of Art Center and Experienced, Highly Qualified & Skilled Cosmetic Surgeon bring out world class results, every patient expect.
  • You can see Live Surgical Procedures and also meet our satisfied clients to gain confidence about our Excellent Results.

Our Specialities

Quick Contact
+91 9721476547, +91 8400746979

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Contact No.: (+91) 9721476547, (+91) 8400746979, (+91) 9795224033.

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