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Chin Augmentation (Genioplasty)

Chin surgery or mentoplasty or genioplasty is a surgical procedure that is done to reshape the chin either by enhancement with an implant or reduction surgery of the bone of the chin.

Chin surgery is often performed on the lower jawline and chin area to enhance the proportion of the face which boosts the self-esteem and confidence of the person.

Many a times a plastic surgeon may recommend chin surgery or procedures to a patient having rhinoplasty in order to achieve better shape of the face.

Types of Chin Surgeries

Chin procedures are performed to alter or improve it’s appearance of the face. The two main types of chin surgeries are either chin augmentation or chin reduction surgery.

Chin Augmentation Surgery

Chin augmentation surgery is usually performed to augment an underprojected chin. Typically, this is accomplished by placement of an implant directly on the bone.

Chin Reduction Surgery

Chin reduction surgery is performed to reduce a prominent or overprojected chin. Excess bone is removed and the chin is placed to its desirable shape.

Q- Who is a good candidate for chin surgery?

Chin surgery is a highly individualized procedure. It can be a life changing procedure for patients who are self-conscious about their chin.

One can be a good candidate if:

  • A person is physically healthy and at stable weight.
  • You have realistic expectations.
  • A person should not be a chain smoker.
  • A person should be concerned about their chin.
  • A person should not lack projection and should be of appropriate size.
  • Q – What should I except during a consultation for chin?

    During your chin surgery consultation be prepared to discuss:

  • During your chin surgery consultation be prepared to discuss:
  • The surgical goals
  • Your medical conditions, precautionary measures, and drug allergies
  • Current medications, vitamins, alcohol, drug and tobacco use.
  • Potential Risk & Side Effects-

    The usual complications are relatively minor and include swelling, hematoma (blood pooling), weakness or numbness of the lower lip, which usually does not last long. Other, less common risks include infection, bony changes and displacement of the implant. Seeking an experienced surgeon can help reduce your risks of complications. Having long teeth with a short mandible height is a relative contraindication for an osseous genioplasty or an aggressive bony reduction.

    Chewing should be kept at a minimum immediately after this procedure, and patients are recommended to eat only soft food and drink for a time after the surgery.

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