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Scarless removal of Breast Lump

Breast lumps are very common; most women will experience one or more breast lumps at some stage of their lives. Majority of the Breast Lumps are Benign (non-cancerous) but require proper evaluation. Fibro adenoma is common cause for a lump in young women, often between the ages of 15-30. Fibro adenomas probably arise due to hormonal changes in the breast. They are usually harmless and painless, but should be carefully evaluated and investigated. The final cosmetic appearance is important after any breast surgery, particularly so after the removal of benign breast lumps, as their removal on occasions may not be absolutely medically essential.


Many doctors recommend removing fibroadenomas, especially if they keep growing or change the shape of the breast. Traditionally these lumps are treated by general surgeons who remove the lumps through direct incisions on the breast lump. These leave behind undesirable ugly scars. Dr Gupta remove Fibroadenoma by a small periareolar incision this, leaves almost no visible scarring on your breast. Multiple lumps can be removed through this single incision.

The surgery can be performed under local or general anesthesia and takes 1 hr to 2 hrs depending on the size and number of the lumps.

The recovery period is very short and you can go home at the same day of your surgery. You are likely to feel a little discomfort for first one-two days. There will be swelling on your breasts that will settle down within 1-2 weeks.

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  • Our team consists of trained and caring staffs, available 24x7 for patient's care.

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