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Breast Lift- FAQ

Qualified plastic surgeon can determine if you are an ideal breast lift candidate. However, a good candidate is someone non-smoker with drooping breasts that are elongated or pendulous with nipples that point downward toward the ground, physically and mentally healthy, and familiar with this plastic surgery procedure.
Most surgeons will not operate if patient is under 18, pregnant, breastfeeding or are unrealistic about the surgery. If patient's general health is poor then this too might rule patient out. It is not recommended for women suffering from Breast cancer, Cellulitis (infection in the soft tissue of the breast), Dry, broken or hardened breast skin, Diabetes (uncontrolled).
Although there are variations as to how this procedure can be performed; typically, breast tissue is removed and the areola repositioned to a higher position upon the breast. Often, because tissue is removed, breast implant will be used to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. The procedure can take two to three hours to complete, depending on the method being used.
Pregnancy can really, really change a woman's breasts. It is usually recommend that if a patient is going to get pregnant in the next year, she delay breast surgery just because the breast will be different after pregnancy. There is no contraindication to pregnancy after a breast augmentation or breast lift, pt. just run the risk of undergoing a revisionary surgery.
And while it is possibly to breast feed after mastopexy surgery, it is not guaranteed, there are too many variables at play.
The first few days are the most painful, but discomfort can easily be controlled with pain medications and will soon decrease. After about two weeks patients can return to work (if no heavy lifting is involved). Numbness and bruising may persist for several weeks.
Some of the risks and side effects associated with breast lift surgery include infection, negative reaction to anesthesia, prominent scarring, uneven nipples, and breast asymmetry.
Breast lift results are long lasting but the natural aging process, pregnancy/breastfeeding, and weight loss can cause the breasts to sag once again.

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